Odd way of lighting a firecracker, Only in the Philippines

Image source: screenshot from facebook
Fireworks and firecrackers had always been a part of the celebration of New Year here in the Philippines. When midnight comes, the firecrackers and fireworks would be lit up on the same time making the skies and the environment as bright as possible.

Every year, different kinds of fireworks displays are being prepared by the biggest companies in the country. But even a simple person tends to buy fountains and firecrackers.

Although the government is advising the people to refrain from using firecrackers, it was hard to break the tradition.

Some people have a very challenging way of lighting firecrackers. Like this man that filmed his own way of lighting the firecracker that was called, "Kwitis". It is a kind of firecracker that departs and flies away up in the skies them explodes.

The man put the "Kwitis" in his mouth and asked another man to light up the firecracker. Without any hesitations he pulled of the stunt. It could have been very dangerous for them especially that there were some particles of the Kwitis that can damage his face.

Some of the netizens were amazed but they say that no one should try it as well because of the danger. 

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