A girl who cheated on his boyfriend even sent pictures of her with another boy. 


From being the princess of her life, The boyfriend now shows disgust with the girlfriend in the status that he posted on Facebook.

The Boyfriend, Jefferson Manayao posted the photos of her girlfriend with the lover last July 31.

He curses them both for even having the guts to use his car for their dates.

These things happen while he was on the cruise ship working hard for their future.

He went to the family and relatives of the girl named Ludy Newest to show them what his very good girlfriend was doing. However, her family was not convinced that the girl was having an affair.

Image source : Jefferson.manayao

But for Jefferson it clearly shows how wrong he had been for trusting that girl. Out of anger, he even wished that Ludy and her lover dead because of the immorality that they did.

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